
Expectations lead to disappointment.

They can also lead to an accomplishment.

Who said dreaming big is dangerous?

In fact, it tends to help us.

Thirteen through nineteen, all of us teens

In a world surrounded by sins.

Quick to make a promise,

But so many things we seem to miss.

We just want to be free,

Learning the world is an open sea.

Why does it seem so hard?

Is it just something we want by heart?

Reading this, you are probably a teen,

So, these feelings, you would have seen.

Take inspiration from anyone.

Because I did, from someone.

Inspired by Rapunzel. Thank you.

Thine i shalt not be

many sayeth loveth is quite quaint.
thee maketh t like a toad, ugly and venemous.

wherefore this t’rture?
i misprise thee.

haply timeth shall healeth
or haply ’twill not.

leaveth mine own heart.
i needeth t f’r someone bett’r.

suicide is painful.
not as painful as loving thee wast.

thee blind’d me
madeth me no more brain than stone.

walketh past me,
i shall falleth f’r thee.
so stayeth hence,
stayeth far hence

i am done with thee
because i des’rve m’re



You made me feel special.

You made me smile.

You made me laugh.

You made me stay hopeful.

You made my heart skip a beat with every smile.

You made me crazy.

You made me think I’m happy.

You made me hate everyone else.

You said “i love you”

I felt special, for you

I smiled, for you.

I laughed, for you.

I kept hoping, for you

I let my heart skip a beat, for you.

I went crazy, for you.

I believed i was happy.

I hated the world, for you.

I believed you.

I did everything you made me do.

I hate you.

slow down, then crash

sat up under a tree,
a perfect representation of my dilemma.
who do i follow? where do i go?
what do i say? to whom do i cry?

When does one attempt balancing two motives of this life and accomplish both? Risking the absence of full dedication despite the well-roundedness.
When does he turn to look at how much difference he had ignited? Toward a better change of course, through each of the motives. He does, then decides what is personally better for him and the world around him, starts loving it, and then gets battered, accused, scrutinized and criticized.
bronze disciple, or gold human
follow morals that were taught? or
follow values that were learnt?
Is a world of smiles around you worth dedicating your intention to?
Does one await promised eternal happiness? Or does he embrace instant gratification from his attempts to radiate smiles and hope in humanity?
The satisfaction he receives upon spreading love, is a perfect match for the satisfaction another receives trying to spread hate. People are people and they preach what they believe. He soon realized the power of his positivity, tries to stay selfless.
and yet in the dark he suffers deep down,
reminiscing the times where selfishness led to happiness.

falling for you

gave her as much as i could.

the power over my smile, my mood.

trusted her more than myself,

placed her high up, top shelf.


enough love to stretch the seas,

left beggin on my knees.

please hate me,

at least leave me be.


no matter how life makes me feel,

your smile helps me heal.

among all , why you?

to deserve this what did i do?


i love this hurt

you treat me like dirt

an idiot, what do i do?

keep falling for you.




Miles Within a Metre

11. 57 on a Monday morning and school’s so yawn-worthy; i’ll fall asleep if i dont write. So let’s go. 

Distance, something that seems to be the culprit of every case of drifting apart. Life has its cruel ways of making us feel a certain way for someone we care about. Notice how sometimes although someone special is right beside you, you still tend to feel distant?

Because i have.

This is usually the case when you miss spending time with that person the way you used to. You could feel this way no matter you’re a stone’s throw away, a mile away, or oceans apart from them. It is definitely important to express yourself well but it is equally important to not come off as clingy or as someone needy with high expectations.

You’ll first need to fully realise that this distant feeling is just a blimp in the relationship with that person. If you both have way too much history, it is normal that neither of you want to let go. That’s great. So fight. Fight through it, together.  It may be extremely scary to bring up the distance you’ve been feeling, but chances are that they’re feeling that same distance as well. So just go for it and talk about it. its the best way to overcome things together.

Be sure to ask, listen, keep your heart intact and stay safe inside.

Till next time, God bless you. Keep smiling and Have a great week!


Now this… I can say without any qualification.

To whomever reading, whether you’ve had a bad month, a bad week, a terrible day or an overall trash mood, just smile.

Im not even kidding when i say research shows that smiling on purpose can help us feel better. Just the simple act of putting a smile on your face can lead to you feeling actual happiness.

Some things are meant to bring us down so we get back up stronger and that’s when you know you’ve surpassed your tests. It is very easy to decide to have a gloomy day and choose to be in a bad mood. But it takes a real fighter to put on a smile that radiates from the heart.

Let us all be fighters. If we don’t insist on being happy for ourselves, who would? No one is going to force happiness on you so it’s only right you do it yourself.

Failed something? Argued with someone? Put it all out of your mind and smile, you’ll feel the true benefit of trying to smile when you try. So try


while you’re at it, make someone else smile too. It wouldn’t hurt to spread a lil positivity. Good vibes for everyone!! Until next time, keep smiling.

Good morning! Have a great day and a great week! Thanks Glen :’)



Love is Love. The state of mind you obtain, the feeling you get, the dedication you express, when you put another’s happiness before your own…that’s love. Nothing of origin or characteristic should define love.

Anyone should be allowed to love whomever they want to love. I truly and genuinely believe that absolutely no one, human or deity, has the ability to rob anyone of their right to love. Neither should we ever let their opinion, criticism, or classification matter. Not even the person you love has the right to stop you from loving them. If you choose to give your all to shower someone with love, without expecting anything in return, thats your call.

Love whomever you want. Age, race, religion, size, colour, and gender. All these dont matter no more the moment you fall in love.

Its no secret our society seems to have a problem and a fixed prejudice with homosexuality and bisexuality. Who decided that it was wrong to love someone of the same gender? Let me rephrase. Who gained the right to diminish someone’s freedom to love?

Nothing makes homosexual or bisexual love different from heterosexual love(what our shallow society imagines “normal” love to be). As long as you believe in Love, all these are the same; Love is Love.

“Don’t you try and tell me that God doesn’t care for us” Sam Smith’s lyrics stated in his song HIM in reply to criticism of his homosexuality.

Maybe it’s time we stop using religions and beliefs as a reason for our shallowness. We can always choose to be understanding and open. Its not the kindest of things to do to tell someone God doesn’t love them based on what you think is right. Spread and promote Love, not look for reasons to destroy it.

Well thats it. Till next time…God loves you, No matter what.

Pain or Longing to be hurt.

Its not an anomaly that relationships end or progress in prolonged pain and hurt. But it doesn’t define, shouldn’t define and cannot define how we choose to live after a tragedy. Sometimes, people genuinely care about you but you can’t help but convince thyself that they are out to hurt you. What if all they intend is to protect you from themselves or a part of them they know you wouldn’t be pleased to meet. Effortless to say, tough to heed, but it is always best to pick yourself up and move on. Somethings are just meant to happen and maybe later in life you will bump into the sweet realisation that it was all for your own wellbeing. As long as you keep asking yourself “what if things were different?”, pain will be prominent. Sometimes no matter how hard you work to achieve something, it is best you dont. Learning from it; gaining more than you would have if things went your way. Pain is the best way to learn because instead of just what happened, you will remember how it made you feel. That’s an asset that will forever make you stronger.

Finding the light at the end of a tunnel can be agonizing. Stay in complete control of your emotions and control the opinions you get. Fair enough, everyone has the right to possess their opinions. However, if you know who or where you get demoralising opinions from, cut it out. You don’t need it, not at this stage. Find your happiness. Find your light, live in it. Well thats until you meet the next person you feel is worth a shot…

If you meet someone new and get butterflies just talking to them, ask yourself if you are ready. If yes, go with it, and never turn back to regret. Don’t relate it with the previous series of incidents that caused pain. Life is a complete circle and if you dont make the change to think positive before engaging in things, you will never lose scars. Race, relilgion, age, gender, height, weight, colour… put all these aside and appreciate how the person makes you feel. As your feelings begin to crescendo, be sure to not lose yourself but gain the other. That way, in case all’s fragmented beyond recovery, you will have a piece of yourself to fix and get back up.

Quoting Mark Twain, “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.” Although many, including myself, think or may have thought that this is simply being selfless and sacrificial, its nothing but unfair to yourself. Its better to make sure that you are not walking into something disparaging and demeaning. Well, on the other hand, when it comes to love, theres really no right way to do things. First quoted in John Lyly in 1579, “all is fair in love and war”. Therefore, any way of achieving true love is justifiable. Follow your heart. As long as the regret that follows doesn’t engulf you.

I like how you make me feel. Too soon? nahh..

Make a difference…

So, first blog post and i’m hoping for more than 1 person to read this.

I’ve been on this earth for about 17 years? Taking away the first 7 years where i don’t remember much people from, that leaves me with about 10 years. A full decade filled with amazing experiences im so proud of. I’ve met people who inspire me, make me proud, leave me in awe, and some who simply disgust me, We’ve all met many types of people. Ever noticed that a few people we meet along the way seem to have a sad story and are not confident? Well, i have. And that is what’s driven me to stay up and write this at 3 in the morning.

Many times when people mention, or even post online, that they’re feeling lonely and down, its often because they lack or crave attention. However, i feel that we usually classify all lonely people as “attention-seekers”. One can physically have many around him and yet feel alone because no one pays attention to his emotions and mental state. Almost all of us can simply say that we have no one to talk to. However in reality, we do infact have someone and we feel its not enough. Ever thought of people who genuinely have no sincere friends to hear them out and to rest their head on? See im not one of them. But i know someone who is and i spoke to him.

This person felt so alone that within minutes of feeling like a burden to the people around him, his thoughts were suicidal. Thank the heavens for prompting me to check on him. When i did, i was able to learn so much about exactly how he was feeling and simply spammed him with texts filled with love and positivity. Sentences like “make the best out of your life” and “you never know how much there is to live for” and telling him his joy and laughter is what he brings to the world helped him loads. God knows what he would have done to himself.

I did not try hard, i did not tell him he is wrong to feel the way he does. All i did was empathize and understand his thoughts from his point of view. Words from him that followed included “thank you so much” and “I’ll be fine in time”. Someone who Five minuted prior saw no reason to live, was reminded how much he can achieve with his character. The heartwarming satisfaction that filled me is a feeling that no evil deed can replicate. The effort it took me was exceptionally small considering the impact it made on his self-esteem.

Trust me and take my word for it, it feels good to know you made someone’s day. I’m sure I’m in no place to tell anyone to be caring because i have nowhere to stand on that pedestal. All I’m saying is, help and look out for someone whose head’s hung low. You’ll make a small difference in our world but a huge difference in that person’s life.

Helping others helps you. And yes, i know that sounds all cliché but i mean it. You’ll know when you feel it.

Oh and sidenote, if you’re one of those negative souls who’re waiting to criticize me for this post, questioning my integrity or just hating, scurry off because you’re not welcome here and come back if you ever feel human. Okay I’m done now. Have a great day and be sure to keep that smile on.